Poverty, Insecurity and Sustainable Development Goal 2030 Agenda in Nigeria: The Role of Creative Art Education
Iloekwe, T. C., Oritogun, R.
Iloekwe, T. C., Oritogun, R.
The 2030 Agenda advocates for global security, poverty eradication and sustainable
development as well as a universal plan of action to transform the world by 2030. In this
direction, Creative Art education through skill acquisition has the potentials to stem the tide
of the problems in the country. The aim of this paper is to examine Creative Art Education as
a useful plan of action for achievement of education goals of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
development in Nigeria. Creative Art education is a discipline that strives to educate
individual or group with skill knowledge for job opportunities. It contributes immensely to
the promotion of human resources through skill creation for job opportunities. In as much as
great importance of Creative art education for humanities, it still faced some challenges
(wrong method of theoretical teaching, lack of teacher, lack of infrastructures, poor payment
of salary, etc) in education system. Therefore, the paper adopted exploratory and descriptive
methods. Exploratory is used to review related existing literature on textbooks, internet,
academic journals, and magazines. Descriptive is used to write down detailed information of
the paper that embodied strategies and approaches for Art teachers and students in Nigerian
schools for effective teaching and learning of creative skills in Art education.
Recommendations are made and one among others is that teachers should endeavor to go
deep into practical method of teaching for easy and effective transfer of knowledge of
creative art skills in learning in order to ensure 2030 education goal for sustainable
Agenda, Creative-art education, Skill acquisition, Sustainable development.
Burston and Frie (2006) considered creative skill as one of the major factors necessary to
develop students with gifted creative knowledge or talents. Creativity is not a privilege of a particular culture or civilization, but a special gift of nature for creative imagination.
According to Sicker-voiget (2000), creativity is the ability to develop and improve existing
or proposed hidden skills for people's benefit. In the time past, it was difficult for students to
understand the hidden creative skills in them, but, in the modern-day reality, the positive
interest on skill acquisition has made it possible for some dedicated creative students to come
up with ideas and interest on creative skill study (Orange, 2009)...
Education equips learners with a sense of purpose, competencies needed to shape lives and
contribute to the lives of others. In order to achieve the above questions on developmental
instability eroding in the countries on the world, United Nation (UN) launched a learning
framework for “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 Agenda”. This aims at
mobilizing all countries and partners around the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on
education. The learning framework provided opportunities for ways of implementing, coordinating, financing and monitoring SDGs-Education 2030 to ensure inclusive and
equitable quality education for long life learning opportunities for all...
Based on the discussions so far, it confirmed that sustainable development involves skills of increasing complexity. It has been seen that human creative skill is diverse, complex and multifaceted which requires the coordination of multiple cognitive processes. It is also believed that creative skill acquisition will be of great positive impact in other educational
professional disciplines through the use of charts, demonstration, even other approaches for proper teaching and learning process.
The aim is to encourage the best approach in developing Creative Skill Art Education in teaching and learning process to be used in all for
spheres of education in Nigeria, in order to meet up with desired goal in education for
sustainable development in 2030 Agenda.
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